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Meet The Team

Meet The Team

Lynn Ireland
Lynn Ireland

College Principal and Founder

Cliff McConnell
Cliff McConnell

Chairman of the Board

Beckie Newport
Beckie Newport

Business Manager

TJ Tamwoy
TJ Tamwoy

College Chaplain

Jason Gray
Jason Gray

Sports Teacher

Andrew Gardner
Andrew Gardner

IT Manager

Myra Calderon
Myra Calderon

Head of Career Development

Evelyn Galang
Evelyn Galang


Sheryl Ferguson
Sheryl Ferguson

Office Manager

Jessica Stubbings
Jessica Stubbings

School Nurse

Wesley Stubbings
Wesley Stubbings

Head of Student Services

Angela Murray
Angela Murray

Head of Primary

Dan McConnell
Dan McConnell

Head of Secondary

(07) 4448 3111

210 Palmerston Street,
Vincent QLD 4814

Email Enquiry

John 3:16 TPT

For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.